2. Payment Methods

  • Bank Transfer
    • Instructions: For bank transfers, please include your order number and company name in the payment reference to facilitate timely processing. For bank details, please contact our customer service team.
  • Credit Card Payments
    • Accepted Cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express
    • Instructions: Select the credit card payment option at checkout and enter your card number, expiration date, and security code as prompted.
  • Online Payment Platforms
    • Supported Platforms: PayPal, Stripe, Alipay, WeChat Pay
    • Instructions: Choose your preferred online payment platform at checkout and complete the payment using your account.
  • E-Checks
    • Instructions: E-check payments may take longer to process. Please allow extra time for us to confirm and process your order once the e-check is received.
  • Select Payment Method: Choose your preferred payment method at checkout.
  • Enter Payment Information: Provide necessary details such as bank account, credit card information, or online payment account.
  • Confirm Payment: Review and confirm all payment details to ensure accuracy before submitting.
  • Payment Confirmation: We will send a confirmation email or SMS once we receive your payment.
  • Confirmation Email: After processing your payment, you will receive a confirmation email with your order number, payment amount, and other relevant details.
  • Processing Time: Bank transfers and e-checks may take 1-3 business days. Credit card and online payments are typically processed immediately.
  • Payment Issues: For any issues encountered during payment, please contact our customer service team immediately for assistance.
  • Refund Requests: For refund requests, please refer to our refund policy and follow the specified procedure for submission.